Over the last several years, the cost of living in California has skyrocketed. Now Democrat legislators have decided to allow utility companies to charge ludicrous monthly income-based charges for electricity, on top of their usual volume-based rates.
Under the utility companies’ plans to instate these income-based fixed charges, low-income families could be on the hook for hundreds of dollars of additional yearly utility fees, regardless of their electricity usage. This move takes away a big incentive for Californians to reduce their energy consumption.
That is why I support SB 1326, the “Cost of Living Reduction Act.” This bill would repeal the requirement that the California Public Utilities Commission allow utility companies to impose a monthly fixed charge on residential customers based on their income level. Billing rates should be based on usage, not income.
Keeping fixed charges low and requiring utility companies to recover their costs through volumetric rates will protect hardworking Californians from unfair electricity bills and promote sustainable energy consumption practices.
I urge you to take action to address the cost of living crisis and protect hard-working Californians by supporting SB 1326. Thank you for your time and consideration.