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Assemblymember Tri Ta
70th Assembly District

Overall, do you think the economy in California is getting better or worse? *
Do you think California is headed in the right direction or wrong direction?  *
What is the most important issue facing California today? *
Thinking about your personal financial situation, do you feel like you are getting ahead financially, holding steady, or falling behind? *
In the last year, have you put off a major purchase like a home or car because of high interest rates? *
Over the last couple months, which one of the following expenses has been the toughest for your household to handle? *
Thinking about taxes in California, do you think taxes are... *
Do you think each of the following is best described as an emergency, a major problem but not an emergency, or a minor problem?

Inflation and higher prices *
Fentanyl/illegal drugs *
Crime/public safety issues *
Homelessness/mental health *
The situation along the country's southern border *
Climate change *