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Do you think California is headed in the:  *
What do you think is the biggest issue facing California today? *
How likely do you think California will experience an economic slowdown in the next year? *
Thinking about your personal financial situation, do you feel like you are getting ahead financially, holding steady, or falling behind? *
When it comes to paying taxes, do you feel taxes are too high, not high enough, or just right? *
Over the past ten years, how would you rate crime levels in your neighborhood? *
Have you given any consideration to moving out of California?  *
Do you support or oppose mandatory mental health and drug treatment services for chronic homeless individuals? *
Do you support the current proposal to limit the use of police dogs to apprehend criminal suspects? *
How would you rate the state of California's economy? *
When thinking about the cost of gasoline, which proposal would you support? *
In general, it is more important for government officials to: *
Do you support legislation that would offer a "sales tax holiday" on back to school purchases such as clothes, school supplies and computers? *
In your opinion, which of the following do you think is the primary cause of homelessness? Select all that apply. *
Would you support a proposal that would cut taxes for small businesses until they reached a reasonable threshold for profitability? *