Assemblymember Lisa Calderon
56th Assembly District

The California State Assembly is working diligently to meet the needs of residents.

Please give your thoughts on the below questions:

Do you believe California is adequately prepared to address the increasing risk of wildfires and other natural disasters? *
How prepared is your community for natural disaster? *
1 - "Not Prepared" and 5 - "Very Prepared"
Do you believe California is making sufficient progress in transitioning to clean and renewable energy sources? *
How concerned are you about transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy? *
1- "Not Concerned at All" and 5 - "Very Concerned"
Do you believe there are adequate resources in your community for childcare, elder care, and other essential services? *
How accessible are essential services in your community (childcare, elder care, mental healthcare)? *
1 - "Not Accessible" and 5 - "Very Accessible"
Do you feel safe in your community, and do you believe the California Legislature is prioritizing public safety effectively? *
How safe do you feel in your community? *
1- "Not safe at all" and 5 - "Very safe"
Do you believe the California Legislature is doing enough to reduce energy costs? *
How have your energy/utility bills changed recently? *
1 - "My bills decreased" and 5 - "My bills went up"
Do you believe the CA Legislature is doing enough to support small businesses and create pathways to well-paying jobs? *
How accessible are pathways to well-paying jobs? *
1 - "Not accessible at all" and 5 - "Very accessible"
From the list below, please pick the top 5 issues that matter most to you: *
What topics would you like to receive emails about? (Select all that apply) *
Please mark how you would like to receive regular updates from my office: (Select all that apply) *