By participating in this survey, you can contribute to our efforts to promote safety, raise awareness, and support affected communities. Our office will not share your contact information. We will only use your contact information in case we need to follow up on issues related to Chiquita Canyon. We truly appreciate your time and participation in this survey.
Have you or a loved one been impacted by Chiquita Canyon Landfill?
If so, how would you rate the level of impact on your daily life?
Check all that apply to you:
If you or a family member suffered impacts, please share your experience.
Have you needed to spend any of your own money to address the impacts of Chiquita Canyon? If so, how much?
If you missed work due to impacts from the landfill, how many days did you miss?
If your child missed school due to impacts from the landfill, how many days did they miss?
If you or a family member didn't experience any impacts, do you know someone who did?
Anything else you would like to share about your experience with Chiquita Canyon Landfill?
What action would you like to see taken in regard to Chiquita Canyon Landfill? (Please choose your top 3)
What action would you like to see taken in regard to Chiquita Canyon Landfill?
If you support shutting it down, would you still support shutting it down if it increases your sanitation bills?